
May Guilty Gear Strive Combos

Combo Notation Guide Grapheme Name Abbreviations
7 7 8 8 9 9
4 4 five 5 6 6
1 1 2 2 iii 3
Numbers represent direction on a keyboard numpad. For instance, 236+ P becomes 236P.
> = Go on from the previous movement to the following motion.
/land = Indicate that the player must land at that bespeak in the sequence.
, = Link the previous movement into the following movement.
->/~ = Cancel the previous special into a follow-upwardly special.
dl./delay = Delay the following move.
whiff/(whiff) = The move must whiff (not hitting).
c. = Close
f. = Far
j. = Bound
hj./sj. = High Jump/Super Jump
jc = Jump Cancel
hjc/sjc = High Bound Cancel/Super Jump Cancel
dc/adc = Dash Cancel/Air Dash Cancel
CH = Counter Striking
AA = Anti-Air
WS = Wall Stick/Wall Splat
[X] = Agree input.
]10[ = Release input.
(move) = Move is optional.
[X] or [Y] = Perform sequence 10 or Y.
[sequence] xN = Repeat sequence Due north amount of times.
(N) = Striking Due north of a motility or move must deal N amount of hits.
IAD = Instant Air Nuance
BRC = Blue Roman Abolish
RRC = Red Roman Cancel
PRC = Purple Roman Cancel
YRC = Xanthous Roman Cancel
YYXRC = Dash Input 10 Roman Cancel in Y direction i.e: 22PRC
XRC~Q = Cancel the X Roman Cancel into Q i.e: RRC~5K
AN = Anji Mito
AX = Axl Depression
BA = Baiken
CH = Chipp Zanuff
FA = Faust
GI = Giovanna
GO = Goldlewis
HA = Happy Anarchy
IN = I-No
JC = Jack-O'
KY = Ky Kiske
LE = Leo Whitefang
MA = May
MI = Millia Rage
NA = Nagoriyuki
PO = Potemkin
RA = Ramlethal
And then = Sol Badguy
TE = Attestation
ZA = Zato-i

Philharmonic Listing

  • All harm values tested on Ky.
5P/2P/6P/5K/2K Starters
Combo Position Damage Tension Gain Works on: Difficulty Video Notes Recipes (PC)
[5P]x3 > [four]6S Anywhere 73 ~12% Everyone [1] Very Like shooting fish in a barrel Youtube Simple scramble/mash combo. Tin showtime with 2P as well. Y'all may demand to reduce the number of punches depending on how far away the opponent is. 34081
[5P]x3 > 3K Anywhere 73 ~11% Everyone [1] Very Easy Youtube Simple scramble/mash striking confirm into knockdown. Tin can start with 2P besides. Using 3K as soon equally a hit is confirmed helps to avoid pushing the opponent out of 5P range. 34239
6P (CH) > 214P or 214K > [2]8H (whiff) Anywhere 77 ~10% Everyone [ii] Like shooting fish in a barrel Youtube 6P counterhit setup. Use 214P if the opponent is very close when 6P connects, otherwise use 214K. The ball should hitting the opponent OTG. If May uses [two]8H equally presently every bit possible after the brawl, she volition be within throw range of her opponent at nearly +eight frame advantage at the terminate of this setup. 48057
6P (CH) > [2]8H > [5H > [4]6H]x2 > WS 6[H] Corner 219 ~32% Everyone [3] Medium Youtube Counter-hit 6P in the corner wall intermission. Works on both grounded and jumping opponents. Connect the [2]8H every bit shortly as possible to go the juggle.
6P (CH) > [4]6H > [5H > [four]6H]x2 > WS half dozen[H] Corner 242 ~34% Everyone [4] Hard Youtube Optimal counter-hitting 6P in the corner wall suspension. Works on both grounded and jumping opponents. Connect the [4]6H as presently as possible to get the juggle. Utilize 2S before any 5H if the [4]6H connects later to not drop the combo. a uncomplicated variation would be 6P (CH) > [iv]6H > 2S > 5H > [four]6H > 5H > WS 6[H] for 232 impairment.
6P (CH) > 66PRC > [5H > [4]6H]x2 > 2S > 5H > WS half dozen[H] Corner 252 ~-39% Everyone [3] Medium youtube Optimal 6P counterhit in corner if no charge was held. Confirm counterhit into Red china on reaction.
2K > 2D > [iv]6S Anywhere 64 ~14% Anybody [1] Very Piece of cake Youtube Low combo route. Delay second a scrap to add ambiguity between this and 2K > 5D and catch fuzzy blockers, or cancel into 2d as quickly as possible to stuff mash attempts. Leave out the Mr. Dolphin on hit for less harm in commutation for a difficult knockdown.
2K > 2D > [ii]8H > [2]8H (whiff) Anywhere 71 ~13% Everyone [1] Very Easy Youtube Low philharmonic road okizeme setup. GIves upwardly harm for improve frame advantage.
2K > 2D > [two]8H > 6H Anywhere 96 ~20% Everyone [1] Very Easy Youtube Max damage OTG from depression route. Usually not worth giving upwardly okizeme for this route unless the extra damage volition cease the round.
2K > 2D > [2]8H > dl.[four]6S > 66RRC > six[H] > [iv]6H > 5H > WS 6[H] Midscreen 163 ~-45% Everyone [3] Medium Youtube Low combo road that wallbreaks from midscreen. Delay the [4]6S or it might sideswitch and the next attack will be aimed towards the wrong direction. Note that video is slightly outdated, uses one dolphin more than than currently possible. 48066
2K > 2D > [two]8H > 5H > [4]6H > 2S > 5H > WS half-dozen[H] Corner 169 ~32% Everyone [iii] Medium Youtube Depression combo route in corner. If blocked, practice 2K > 2d > [iv]6S or any vertical dolphin to finish pressure safely. Good combo for low/high/throw mixup. Video is slightly outdated, uses one more than dolphin than currently possible. 34240
214P/214K > 66PRC ~ 3K > (beachball hits) > c.Due south > [5H > [iv]6H]x2 > WS 6H Corner 243 ~ -forty% Everyone [5] Very Hard Youtube Fast China depression wallbreak setup in corner. Arisugawa Sparkle needs to connect high enough to link the commencement c.Due south. The spacing has to be farther away to get the 3K before the beachball or c.Due south will not pick up the philharmonic in time. 48062
214P > 66PRC ~ 6K > 2H > [4]6H > 5H > [four]6H > WS half-dozen[H] Corner 221 ~ -40% Everyone [v] Very Hard Youtube Fast Mainland china loftier wallbreak setup in corner. Arisugawa Sparkle needs to connect high enough to link the first c.S.
c.South/f.S/2S Starters
Philharmonic Position Damage Tension Gain Works on: Difficulty Video Notes Recipes (PC)
c.Due south > 2H > [2]8H Anywhere 129 ~18% Everyone [one] Very Piece of cake Youtube May'southward bread and butter philharmonic. 34360
c.South > 6H > [2]8H > 2K > 6H > [two]8H Anywhere 192 45% Anybody except lightweights [4] Difficult Youtube Loftier damage midscreen c.Southward philharmonic, difficult. OTG 6H tin exist used at the end for max damage. Does not work if started from dash c.Due south.
c.S > 2H > 236236S May in corner 237 ~ -39% Anybody [two] Easy Youtube Whiff punish when May is in the corner. Deals a lot more impairment when the opponent has a lot of RISC built up. 34361
c.S > 2H > [iv]6H > 5H > 5H > [4]6H > WS 6[H] Corner 272 ~38% Anybody [3] Medium Youtube Meterless wallbreak combo. Can wallbreak with super for max damage. 40832
c.S > 6H > [4]6H > filibuster 5H , 5H > [4]6H > 2S > 5H WS 6[H] Corner 289 ~45% Anybody [4] Difficult Youtube Optimal c.S corner philharmonic, works in the current version. Difficut delay on the first 5H to make the opponent bounce very low to the basis on the second 5H. If this is too hard just do the 5H without delay and the second dolphin will wallsplat - you'll lose out on 10 damage, but the combo will be far more reliable.
c.S > 2H > [2]8H > Advert > j.M > j.D > (632146H) Anywhere (Midscreen-Corner) 165 (246) ~21% (~ -28) Everyone [3] Medium Youtube High damage, bad oki midscreen combo. The airdash is a chip hard to fourth dimension, but helps in a lot of combos. If you're near the wall past the end, you can Orca super after the j.D for a wallbreak.
c.Due south (CH) > Nuance > c.South > 2H > [2]8H > AD > j.Thousand > j.D Anywhere 186 ~29% Everyone [iii] Medium Youtube CH c.S philharmonic. Can be done both from an anti-air or grounded hit, though its harder to get the last two hits from a grounded beginning. People oftentimes burst after a CH c.S, and so yous may want to block and then 2H into the balance of the combo (unless you got the anti-air starter, in which case y'all tin can keep the combo minus the dash). You can do the aforementioned if they burst after the second c.S.
c.S (CH) > Dash > c.S > c.Due south > 2H > [2]8H > AD > j.M > j.D > (WS 6H) Anywhere 198 (WS 242) ~33% Everyone but Anji [three] Medium Youtube Anti-air CH c.South philharmonic. Serves as an optimal DP punish. Y'all want some distance on the dash so the residual of the philharmonic connects properly. Volition wallsplat if close enough to the wall. Confronting Anji, the j.D is the simply role that won't connect, so only j.H after the Advertizement for max impairment.
c.S > 2H > whiff [4]6S > 66PRC > c.S > dash > c.Southward > 2H > [ii]8H > Advertizement > j.S > (WS 6H) Anywhere 202 (WS 244) ~ -twoscore% Anybody [iii] Medium Youtube Slightly un-optimal meter dump combo off of c.S, but very useful because it side-switches. You lot can besides Cathay backwards if yous don't want to side-switch but nonetheless want to practise this combo. Wallsplats if started with May in corner (or enemy in corner if you don't switch sides). Can do a single c.Due south juggle if second ane looks like it won't hit.
c.South (CH) > 2H > 236236S > Communist china > Dash c.S > 2H > [4]6H > 2K > 6P > WS 6[H] Midscreen 350 -100% Anybody [3] Medium Youtube 100-meter kill combo. Deals 392 damage from a c.Due south frametrap. May wants to avoid hitting her opponent with the PRC burst in this combo to avoid proration. Combo doesn't quite corner-to-corner, but works from near May'due south own corner to near the opponent's corner. If the philharmonic is started on the half of the stage contrary the wall, the wallsplat volition occur after [4]6H, in which case May can finish the combo early with 6[H].
c.Southward > 2H > [2]8H > Ad > 66BRC > j.D > c.South > dash > c.S > 2H > [2]8H > AD > j.South Anywhere 211 ~ -25% Everyone [four] Hard Youtube Optimal meter dump philharmonic off of c.S. Combo pattern is the same every bit your normal c.South combo so yous can confirm very late, also naturally transitions into her wall combo if close enough. The BRC slowdown needs to hit for this to piece of work, so it's a very unlike timing betwixt nuance momentum c.Due south and standing c.S. If you cease up at a weird spacing after j.D, you can do 1 c.South to stay safe.
c.Southward > 2H > 632146H > 22RRC or 22PRC > Dash > c.S > 2H > [iv]6H > c.Due south > 5H > WS 6[H] Not corner 337 ~ -95% Everyone [5] Very Hard 42A Youtube 100-meter kill combo. Doesn't quite corner-to-corner, just works from nearly anywhere outside the corner. RC downward on the rise orca striking and dash to the wall (or as far as possible if not near the wall) to complete the philharmonic. If May dashes too soon and for besides long, she may end up switching sides and ruining the philharmonic. Due to RISC scaling, this combo can exist a touch of death confronting characters with a lot of RISC (ex. Ky at xl% RISC).
c.S > 5H > 632146H > 66RRC > Dash > c.South > 2H > [4]6H > 5H > [4]6H > WS 6[H] Back to corner 309 ~ -97% Everyone [4] Hard Meter dump side switch wallbreak. You want to hitting c.S before the 2nd hit of Orca connects. If they get sent away from the wall, yous need to nuance further.
c.S > 2H > [2]8H > 66RRC ~ j.H > j.D > j.D > AD > j.H > WS half-dozen[H] Anywhere 251 ~ -29% Everyone [5] Very Difficult 4U Youtube 50 meter corner to corner wallbreak combo. The merely difficult role is the fast cancelled drifting RRC, focus on getting that down. Sometimes it will non wallsplat if the juggle occurs lower to the ground or slower.
c.S (AA) > jc.ix > j.H > j.D > adc > j.H > 5H > [4]6H > 5H > WS half dozen[H] (632146H) Midscreen - Corner 279 (290) ~35% (-44%) Everyone [4] Hard Youtube Optimal 50 meter c.S anti-air starter grade midscreen. Yous want them to exist a little closer to the wall than round start in society for this to work. Yous tin dash and use c.Southward to catch them instead of 5H if you're also far.
f.S (air CH) > [four]6S (whiff) > c.S > 2H > [2]8H > 66 j.K > j.D Anywhere 166 ~xxx% Everyone [2] Easy Youtube Situational air counterhit combo. Requires a hitting at the tip of May'due south f.S so that [4]6S volition whiff.
2S (CH) > 5H > [4]6S > RRC > six[H] > [4]6H > 5H > [iv]6H > WS half-dozen[H] Corner 242 ~ -29% Everyone [3] Medium Youtube Consequent 2S counterhit 50 meter in corner. 5H will miss if 2S is done at max range. Video shows a drifting RRC simply a normal i works fine.
5H/2H/6H Combos
Combo Position Damage Tension Gain Works on: Difficulty Video Notes
6H (CH) > [4]6H Anywhere 116 ~15% Everyone [1] Very Like shooting fish in a barrel Youtube Like shooting fish in a barrel 6H counterhit combo that leads to a knockdown. Use the counterhit time dull to accuse the dolphin. Can follow upwards the knockdown with Arisugawa Sparkle (K).
5H (CH) > [4]6H > 2S > [4]6S Anywhere 156 ~25% Anybody [2] Easy Youtube
5H (CH) > [4]6H > RRC > 6[H] > [4]6H > 5H > [4]6H > WS 6[H] Corner 274 ~-31% Anybody [3] Medium Consistent 50 meter 5H counterhit in corner. 66 the RRC if you need to reach the corner, simply its non necessary otherwise.
5H (CH) > 5H > [4]6S > RRC > half dozen[H] > [4]6H > 5H > [4]6H > WS half dozen[H] Corner 283 ~-26% Everyone [iii] Medium Optimal 50 meter 5H counterhit in corner. Works all-time after a blocked c.Southward in the corner. Dashing the roman cancel is again optional.
5H (CH) > [4]6H > 2S > [4]6S > 66RRC > c.South > 5H > [four]6H > 5H > WS vi[H] Midscreen 254 ~-22% Anybody [3] Medium Consequent 50 meter 5H counterhit midscreen. You can do a quick nuance into an uncharged 6H for wallbreak if you didn't get close enough to the corner for the charged version to reach.
5H (CH) > 5H > [four]6S > 66RRC > c.Southward > 5H > [4]6H > 2S > 5H > [iv]6H > WS six[H] Midscreen 271 ~-25% Everyone [3] Medium Youtube Optimal 50 meter 5H counterhit midscreen. Second 5H volition whiff if first ane done at max range.
6H (CH) > [iv]6H > 66RRC > c.South > 2H > [2]8H Anywhere 156 ~ -30% Everyone [3] Medium Youtube Longer 6H counterhit philharmonic. Ends in wallsplat if started in the corner, recommend finishing with uncharged 6H. If you but want more raw and are far from or next to a wall, simply replace the [4]6H > ... with a [2]8H > 632146H or just 632146H depending on how close yous are.
6H (CH) > 214K > 66PRC > dash > 2S > 2H > [two]8H Anywhere 181 ~ -40% Everyone [4] Hard Streamable Harder 6H counterhit combo that tin can possibly whiff on very far counterhits. If y'all are close plenty to the wall, you tin replace the 2H > [2]8H with a 5H > [4]6H > 5H > [iv]6H WS > 6[H] for a 245-harm wallbreak with ~ -30% meter.
5H > 5H > 5H > [4]6H > 5H > [4]6H WS > 6[H] Corner 275 ~37% Everyone [3] Medium Youtube Corner 5H combo on a jumping opponent.
6H > [iv]6H > 5H > 5H > [four]6H > 5H > WS 6[H] Corner 291 ~38% Everyone [3] Medium Meterless wallbreak combo from 6H. Counterhit starter volition brand this combo easy, since you get far more than time to accuse that commencement dolphin.
6H > [4]6H > 66 2H > 236236S > 66 c.S > 6H > [iv]6H > WS 6[H] Corner 357 ~ -25% Everyone [v] Very Difficult 2A Youtube 50 meter impale philharmonic in the corner. Can cease in 236236S for increased damage (373). Offset microdash causes 2H to hit the opponent away from the wall, which allows 236236S to combo.
6H (CH) > [iv]6H > 236236S > 66 c.South > 2H > [iv]6H > 2S > 5H > WS half-dozen[H] Corner 362 ~ -30% Everyone [3] Medium Youtube 50 meter kill combo in the corner. Can cease in 236236S for increased impairment (387). Deals slightly more harm than the non-CH route and is significantly easier to execute. Can also start with any six[H] hit, and will do even more impairment in that instance. Both 236236S must exist executed as soon as possible to connect. Volition TOD anyone with less EHP than Ky if started from the c.S > 6H frametrap.
2H > [2]8H > AD > j.Yard > j.D Not Corner 147 ~17% Anybody [three] Medium Youtube Bones 2H combo, works on grounded or air hit. Yous want to hitting them with dolphin when they're high upwardly to be sure yous get the total combo, and then delay the [2]8H if y'all hitting them grounded or depression in the air.
2H > [2]8H > AD > j.S > c.S > 2H > [ii]8H Anywhere 180 ~30% Everyone [4] Difficult Streamable More hard 2H combo that results in more damage, more tension gain, and a hard knockdown. Works on grounded or air hit, only filibuster the [2]8H if you hit them high in the air to prevent accidentally crossing up with the Advertizement and whiffing the combo. Hitting the c.S is a affair of precision, and then don't try to mash it out. Timing is a fiddling different in corner.
2H (CH) > [4]6S (whiff) > c.S > nuance > c.S > 2H > [2]8H > Advertizement > j.S > (WS 6H) Blocked c.S 232 (WS 283) ~45% Everyone [three] Medium Youtube Blocked c.South puts them at the perfect spacing for this 2H counterhit confirm. Switches sides. Wallsplats if started with May in corner. Tin can practise just one c.Due south if it seems like they're besides far.
2H (CH) > [4]6S (whiff) > Nuance > c.S > 5H > [four]6H > c.S > 5H > WS 6[H] May in corner 283 ~45% Everyone [3] Medium Youtube Anti-air/grounded wallbreak combo when May is cornered. Dash after whiffed Mr. Dolphin to get closer to the wall and so that c.South connects. After first HS Mr. Dolphin, May normally needs to walk towards the wall to connect the second c.S.
2H (CH) > 236236S > PRC > Dash c.S > 2H > [4]6H > 2K > 6P > WS 6H Midscreen 354 -100% Everyone [3] Medium Youtube 100-meter kill combo from counterhit 2H. Deals 392 damage from a c.Due south frametrap. Depending on altitude to wall and where the counterhit connects, May sometimes needs to utilize a 66PRC to catch upwards to her opponent after Yamada connects. May wants to avoid striking her opponent with the PRC burst in this philharmonic to avoid proration. Combo doesn't quite corner-to-corner, but works from well-nigh May's own corner to most the opponent's corner.
c.S (blocked) > 2H (CH) > [4]6S (whiff) > c.Due south > 2H > 236236S~China~[2]8H > 66 j.Chiliad > j.D > WS 6H Blocked c.Due south, May in corner 383 -100% Everyone [four] Hard Youtube 100-meter kill combo from a frametrap when May is in the corner. Yamada unremarkably breaks the wall if a raw CH 2H is landed when May is all the style in the corner, and then avert using Mainland china in this case.
Aeriform Starters
Combo Position Harm Tension Proceeds Works on: Difficulty Video Notes
j.P (AA) > j.H > [5H > [iv]6H]x2 > WS 6[H] (Corner) 213 ~27% Anybody [4] Hard j.P air-to-air conversion in corner. Beats aerials in the corner and IAD. Exercise j.P very soon after the jump to be able to connect j.H. Insert c.S later landing if j.P connects tardily to pick up the combo, but know this means the 2nd 5H volition be the movement that wallsplats.
j.Grand (AA) > j.D > j.D > (j.632146H) Anywhere (Corner) 104 (215) ~half dozen% Everyone [1] Very Easy Youtube Bones air-to-air combo. Need to hit j.K very high for this to work. If you finish it in the corner, add Orca super for actress damage + wallbreak.
j.K (AA) > j.D > dl.AD > j.K > j.D Anywhere 115 ~viii% Everyone [one] Easy Peradventure optimal j.K air to air philharmonic. Timing of airdash can vary. Tin super at the cease for wallbreak if you reach the corner, anywhere else the first hit of Orca whiffs.
j.Chiliad (AA) > Advertisement > j.K > j.D > (j.632146H) Anywhere (Midscreen-Corner) 82 (198) ~6% Anybody [2] Piece of cake Youtube Pretty much universal air-to-air combo. Spacing dependent. Aim to striking them with the tip of j.K. Carries to corner from midscreen. Tin super at the end if the opponent was carried to the corner, resulting in a wallbreak.
j.H / j.Due south > 5K > 3K Anywhere 90 ~9% Everyone [1] Very Easy Youtube Uncomplicated air-to-footing philharmonic with knockdown. 3K merely whiffs if the aerial is max reach, at which range you tin apply [4]6S instead. Damage/tension is from j.H starter.
j.H / j.S > 2S > [four]6S Anywhere 94 ~12% Everyone [1] Very Piece of cake Youtube Uncomplicated air-to-ground combo that trades knockdown for harm. 2S links as long as the aeriform doesn't hit extremely high. Harm/tension is from j.H starter.
j.H (basis CH) / j.S (ground CH) > j.D > dl.Advertizement > dl.j.Due south > c.S > 2H > [2]8H Anywhere 175 ~24% Everyone [3] Medium Streamable Air-to-ground CH combo that has great corner carry and oki, just can only be done when y'all don't airdash in to country the j.H. Can swap out the vertical dolphin for a horizontal one + 2H WS + 6H if information technology ends at the corner. The virtually important part is delaying the air dash and the j.South so that the string connects.
j.Southward > 5P > 5P > 3K Anywhere 82 ~10% Anybody [i] Very Easy Youtube Optimal j.S air-to-basis combo. The j.S must be landed shut. Tin can work with j.H starter, but only off an IAD.
j.2H > 2K > 3K Anywhere 79 ~x% Anybody [1] Very Piece of cake Youtube Air-to-ground road that results in knockdown. Tin cross up fairly easily.
IAD > j.H / j.S > c.S > f.Southward > [four]6S Anywhere 119 ~17% Everyone [1] Very Piece of cake Youtube IAD leap-in. This combo relies on frontwards momentum from an airdash. Likewise works with no IAD if opponent is in corner. Harm/tension is from j.H starter.
j.K > j.D > 66RRC~j.K > j.D > j.D Anywhere 140 ~ -45% Everyone [iv] Difficult Youtube Air-to-air with a hard fast RRC confirm. Gives you a ton of corner carry and can follow-upwardly afterward depending on corner positioning.
j.K (air hit) > j.D > 66RRC~j.Grand > j.D > 66 j.H > j.D , j.D , WS j.D Midscreen 223 ~ -forty% See Notes [3] Medium Requires a roughly level initial hitting. Easier to use on non-lightweights.
j.H > RRC > c.S > 2H > [4]6H > dl.c.Due south > 5H > [4]6H > WS [6]H Corner 194 ~ -45% Everyone [3] Medium Youtube Converts a corner air-to-air j.H into a wallbreak. You demand to delay the second c.S a little bit to permit the opponent to wall-bounce into its range. The full general formula of RRC > (corner wallbreak) in this philharmonic tin employ to whatever corner hit.
j.H > RRC > Dash > c.S > 2H > [2]8H > Ad > j.G > j.D Anywhere 143 ~ -42% Anybody [4] Hard Youtube Converts a stray air-to-air j.H into more damage. Non very resource efficient, only tin can end the circular from a common neutral situation.
j.H (AA) > j.D > adc > j.H > [5H > [4]6H]x2 > WS 6[H] Corner 246 ~30% Anybody [3] Medium Meterless air-to-air j.H corner wallbreak combo. Do 2d j.H early to be able to land and get 5H
j.H (air CH) > j.D > jc9 j.D > 66RRC~j.Chiliad > j.D , j.K > j.D , [j.P]x1-2 , WS land 6[H] Anywhere 235 ~ -35% Encounter Notes [iv] Hard Air-to-air counterhit combo for relatively low j.H hits. Generally works better against midweight and heavier characters, but can work confronting lightweights if the counterhit connects low. Only works confronting GO during his super jump. Tin corner-to-corner. A second j.P is needed to wall stick from longer distances.
j.H (air CH) > j.D > jc9 j.D > 66RRC~j.H > dl j.D , j.D > j.H > WS 6[H] Midscreen 254 ~ -35% See Notes [5] Very Difficult Air-to-air counterhit combo for high j.H hits. Works against lightweight's normal jumps and mid-heavy character super jumps. May needs to adjust the filibuster following RRC~j.H depending on the height of the initial assail and distance to the wall so that subsequent attacks tin can connect.
j.D (CH) > Dash > c.S > 5H > [4]6H > Walk > c.S > 5H > [iv]6H > 6[H] Midscreen-Corner 233 ~35% Everyone [5] Very Hard Youtube Converts an air-to-air counterhit j.D into a wallbreak from the opponent's starting position. Platonic followup to BRC/PRC while someone is upward-backing, makes the combo much easier. Without BRC/PRC, yous'll want to land j.D after the peak of May's leap so you can quickly land and dash. Much easier to execute when most the corner, where the wall breaks subsequently the second Mr. Dolphin and near of the landing movement is not needed.
j.H (ground CH) > j.D > Advertising > j.Thousand > j.D > 66RRC~j.South > j.H > j.D > j.K WS > Walk > 6[H] May in Corner 235 -~38% Everyone [4] Hard Streamable Niche wall-to-wall philharmonic that can be used after jumping a take hold of in the corner. You lot must walk a tiny bit forward after landing to hit the 6[H] wallbreak.
j.2H > 236236S > 44PRC > c.South > 5H > [four]6H > 2S > 2H > [4]6H > 2K > 2d > [4]6S > WS [six]H May in corner 307 -100% Everyone [4] Very Hard Youtube Begins off of a j.2H cross up where May lands backside the opponent. You lot demand to do 236236S in mid-air simply finish the input on the ground to maintain your management. Y'all likewise need to delay the 2K very slightly or else 2D might miss. Lastly, if your opponent is likewise close to the corner with you, 236236S will cause a wallbreak.
second/5D Combos
Combo Position Damage Tension Proceeds Works on: Difficulty Video Notes
5[D]8 > j.H > j.D > Advertising > j.H > j.H Anywhere 204 ~20% Anybody [1] Very Easy Youtube Beginner dust philharmonic.
5[D]eight > j.H > j.D > j.Chiliad > j.H > j.D > j.Grand > j.Thousand Anywhere 241 ~20% Everyone except Chipp [two] Easy Youtube Optimal combo for everybody but Chipp. For Chipp, modify j.Thou > j.Yard to j.P > j.P and the combo will work and do 287 damage to Chipp.
5[D]8 > 44 > j.D > j.H > 66 > j.K > j.K Anywhere 150 ~20% Everyone [4] Hard Youtube Outburst-bait combo. Use this version when the opponent bursts immediately after v[D]. You lot need to backdash every bit presently every bit possible to avoid the burst, and may demand to slightly delay the j.D to connect after the flare-up. Timing to connect the unabridged combo is finicky for characters with small airborne hitboxes (i.due east. Ky, Millia). Using j.P instead of j.Chiliad is more than consistent in this example.
5[D]8 > 44 > j.H > 66 > j.Yard > j.Thousand Anywhere 166 ~15% Everyone [4] Hard Youtube Burst-allurement combo. Employ this version if the opponent doesn't flare-up immediately after v[D]. Both dashes demand to happen every bit shortly equally possible to connect the combo. Very hard to connect against Ky and Chipp.
2D (CH) > [4]6H > [5H > [4]6H]x2 > 2S > 5H > [four]6H > WS six[H] Corner 249 ~49% Anybody [iv] Medium 8U Youtube Optimal depression counterhit meterless route. Catches fuzzy guard after 2K if 2D is slightly delayed. second counterhit can easily be confirmed into [4]6H. Input moves every bit fast as possible or the final [4]6H will not wallsplat.
2D > [2]8H > 5H > [4]6H > 5H > [4]6H > 5H > WS 6[H] Corner 220 ~xl% Everyone [4] Hard Youtube Need to exist charging before the 2d hits. Change the last 5H to 2S > 2H if the opponent is also low. Most useful after a fast RRC blocked dolphin equally a loftier-low mixup.
Throw/Overhead Osculation (623K) Starters
Combo Position Damage Tension Gain Works on: Difficulty Video Notes
623K > 2S > [4]6S Anywhere 91 ~18% Everyone [2] Easy Youtube Command grab combo from anywhere. Slightly less damage than 6H OTG, but sends opponent much farther.
623K > dash > 6H Anywhere 94 ~18% Everyone [2] Piece of cake Youtube Command grab into max impairment OTG. Proficient if you lot need to close out a round.
623K > c.South > 5H > [4]6H > 5H > [4]6H > 2S > 5H > WS vi[H] Corner 178 ~38% Anybody [2] Easy Youtube Meterless wallbreak combo. Just exercise the inputs as early as possible, if you lot delay you might non get the wallsplat. You can omit the c.S and the combo will do the verbal same amount of damage, but information technology is recommended to make the initial combo burst safe using c.Due south and delaying a 5H later the burst. Annotation that the opponent is withal able to flare-up afterwards in the philharmonic. Add together 632146H in the stop for 205 damage.
623K > dl.2H > 236236S > c.S > 5H > [4]6H > WS 236236S Corner 237 ~ -99% Everyone [4] Difficult Youtube Optimal meter dump from command take hold of at corner with good RISC scaling. Make sure you input the motions for the second 236236S before you lot touch the ground and so y'all can immediately perform it upon touching the footing, otherwise the whale will likely barely non wall break in fourth dimension. If the wall splats early on, simply finish with [4]6H or 236236S.
6D or 4D > RRC > 2H > [2]8H > 5H > [4]6H > WS 6H Corner 160 ~ -40% Everyone [2] Easy Youtube Easy corner throw wallbreak combo. Throw opponent away from corner (4D when opponent is in corner or 6D when May is in corner) and RC immediately.
6D or 4D > filibuster 66PRC > c.Southward > c.S > 2H > [4]6H > vi[H] Midscreen-Corner 173 ~ -35% Everyone [3] Medium Youtube Midscreen-corner wallbreak from a throw. Throw opponent towards corner and expect until the opponent is above May'due south head to People's republic of china so they don't get striking by information technology. Can use vertical or horizontal dolphin, vertical dolphin is easier from midscreen while horizontal dolphin allows you to accuse the 6H wallbreak. In the corner the PRC doesn't need to be dashed, and the combo is far easier.
6D or 4D > RRC~c.Southward > c.S > 5H > [4]6H > 5H > WS 6H Corner 176 ~ -40% Everyone [4] Hard Youtube Fast Ruddy RC throw wallbreak combo. May has to RRC equally early on equally possible or the first c.S will whiff. Throw opponent towards corner.
j.6D or j.4D> RRC > c.S > 2H > [four]6H > WS half-dozen[H] Corner 161 ~ -40% Everyone [3] Medium Youtube Air throw wallbreak philharmonic. Throw opponent towards corner.
Horizontal Mr. Dolphin ([four]6S/[4]6H) Starters
Combo Position Impairment Tension Gain Works on: Difficulty Video Notes
[4]6S (CH) > 3K Anywhere 65 ~12% Everyone [2] Easy Youtube Counterhit combo. Just brew 3K after confirming the counterhit. Gives hard knockdown, simply less impairment than the alternatives.
[iv]6S (CH) > 2S > [4]6S Anywhere 88 ~17% Everyone [2] Easy Youtube Counterhit combo. More than harm, but won't end in knockdown similar the other two.
[4]6S (CH) > Dash > 6D or 4D Anywhere 100 ~xix% Everyone [four] Hard Youtube Counterhit philharmonic. Press and hold the dash button when May's anxiety touch the footing subsequently hopping off Mr. Dolphin until just within throw range. This combo allows May to continue pressure with her afterward throw setups. Do this philharmonic in grooming manner by setting the counterattack settings to bound after hit, and stagger recovery to fast.
[4]6H (CH) > Dash > c.S > 2H > [4]6H > [4]6H (whiff) Anywhere 148 ~28% Everyone [ii] Easy Youtube Oki setup and good corner carry. Meaty with 5P or 2P to setup a knockdown with 3K. If in the corner 2K > 2D low route will meaty. Setup is +6.
[4]6H (CH) > Dash > c.South > 2H > [2]8H > IAD > j.Thousand > j.D Anywhere 174 ~xxx% Everyone [3] Medium Youtube Counterhit combo. Press and hold the dash button when May's feet affect the footing later hopping off Mr. Dolphin until in range of c.S. This combo pushes the opponent very far (into the corner from starting position), and so it'southward useful to gain a good position from mid-screen.
[4]6H (CH) > Nuance > 623K > [5H]x2 > [4]6H > 5H > [4]6H > WS 6[H] Corner 197 ~53% Everyone [3] Medium Youtube Optimal meterless wallbreak counterhit combo. Tin also work from [four]6S counterhit, merely it'southward possible for the opponent to escape stagger speedily plenty to avoid the OHK follow-upwards using backdash.
[4]6S > RRC > dash > 5[D] > c.South > 2H > [2]8H > AD > j.Due south Anywhere 165 ~ -40% Everyone [four] Hard Youtube Optimal RRC combo off an S dolphin. Ends with an OTG j.S for maximum damage, good if you want to close a circular.
[iv]6S > RRC > 5[D] > 5H > [4]6H > 5H > [4]6H > WS 6[H] Corner 210 ~ -40% Anybody [three] Medium Youtube Optimal corner meter dump combo off a stray confirm.
[4]6S > 44RRC > 214K > Dash > c.South > 5H > [four]6H > 5H > [4]6H > WS 6H] Corner 215 ~ -40% Everyone [4] Hard Streamable If y'all are prepared to 44RRC hitting ostend, y'all can opt for this philharmonic instead to become a bit more impairment.
[iv]6S (crouching block) > 88RRC~j.H > c.Southward > 2H > [iv]6H > 2S > 2H > [four]6H > WS 6H Corner 234 ~ -40% Anybody [5] Very Difficult Youtube Dolphin loftier fast RRC setup in the corner. May needs to bear the frontward momentum from Horizontal Mr. Dolphin to confirm the philharmonic. If May uses RRC besides belatedly, she will lose this momentum and jump as well high to ostend the combo. Nearly impossible to philharmonic into j.H > c.South from a continuing [4]6S hitting.
[4]6S (standing block) > 66RRC~2nd > [two]8H > 5H > [iv]6H > 5H > [4]6H > WS 6[H] Corner 221 ~ -35% Everyone [5] Very Hard Youtube Dolphin low fast RRC setup in the corner. May needs to use RRC while withal on the ground during the Mr. Dolphin hit. If May uses RRC too late, she will use j.D instead.

Combo Theory

Charging Mr. Dolphin

Nearly of May's combos use Mr. Dolphin in the eye of the combo. In club to employ these combos, May needs to begin charging Mr. Dolphin while using the other moves in her combo. In some cases, this is intuitive and very piece of cake:

  • c.S > 2H > [ii]8H: As long equally you concur [two] for the entire duration of 2H, you will charge in time to use [2]8H.

In other cases, May needs to hold a direction in a situation where information technology will not affect her motility to charge Mr. Dolphin in fourth dimension:

  • While May is attacking (attack animations are unaffected by directional inputs)
  • While May is jumping (Holding [four] or [2] will not bear on May's jump arc)
  • During the time irksome effect of a counterhit. While time appears to slow downwardly, the charge per unit at which Mr. Dolphin charges does not. This allows May to use Mr. Dolphin in ways that aren't ordinarily possible and allows her to more easily charge Mr. Dolphin in general.

Remember that May tin hold [1] to charge both horizontal and vertical Mr. Dolphin, but she tin just use crouching attacks while doing this! In some situations, you demand to hold [four] to use standing attacks that combo into horizontal Mr. Dolphin.

Airdash After H Vertical Dolphin

Later May lands a c.S > 2H > [ii]8H, she tin can do an airdash before touching the basis and hitting the opponent with an air normal.

Hit an airdash j.H allows her to continue her juggle if about the wall:

  • c.South > 2H > [two]8H > AD > j.H > 5K > [4]6S

Merely when far from the wall, information technology ends the combo with the opponent pushed a skillful altitude away. Airdash j.K to j.D does nearly x more damage than j.H, simply it likewise gives adequately bad okizeme when farther than midscreen:

  • c.Due south > 2H > [2]8H > AD > j.One thousand > j.D

The j.H combo has a setup where May can IAD j.H to get a decent safejump if the opponent doesn't have their dorsum to the corner, only it requires some timing depending on whether May has dash momentum or non.

If May lands a raw 2H into [2]8H, she can become an airdash j.South into a c.S:

  • 2H > [2]8H > Advertizement j.S > c.S

This is very situational, since 2H ordinarily counterhits if it ever does hit, and May has much more damaging combos off of a counterhit 2H.

Afterwards long RC juggle combos, if there is a H Vertical Dolphin towards the terminate of the combo, May can generally go an airdash into an OTG j.South:

  • c.S > 2H > [2]8H > [4]6S > RRC > dash > c.South > 2H > [2]8H > AD > j.S

She can potentially get a [ii]8S in the aforementioned state of affairs, but this gives slightly worse oki for near the same amount of harm.

Close Slash Juggles

When May has her opponent correct in a higher place her, she can juggle c.S into itself by microdashing with good timing. Later a regular RRC, she tin can get 2 c.S juggles before continuing the combo with 2H into her finishers. If she can hit RRC with upwards migrate, she can juggle with c.S four times earlier ending the combo.

  • 88RRC > dash > c.S > dash > c.S > nuance > c.S > dash c.S > 2H > [2]8H

This combo requires extremely precise timing and spacing, otherwise her opponent will either cross-upwards or fall out. Hitting iii c.Due south juggles is much easier, only information technology'due south slightly less optimal than the alternatives.

Another known state of affairs where May can juggle c.S is her wall philharmonic. After she hits 2H > [4]6H well-nigh the wall, she can juggle her opponent with c.Southward twice, before wallsplatting with 5H > [4]6H to earn even more damage than normal:

  • c.S > 2H > [4]6H > c.Due south > dash > c.S > 5H > [4]6H

Blueish Roman Cancel Slowdown State

Hitting or making the opponent block BRC puts them into a slowdown state that makes combos possible that would otherwise never be possible, even with counterhits. In BRC slowdown, 6K and 2K can philharmonic into c.South or 2H, and c.S tin combo into some other dash-canceled c.S.

  • BRC > 6K > 2H
  • BRC > 2K > 2H

Can be used to catch opponents off baby-sit after a blocked 5K.

  • 66.BRC > c.South > dc > c.South

Tin can be used as a whiff punish or punish combo using BRC drift.


Most of May's loftier-harm corner wallbreak combos rely on wall-bounce from the following moves:

  • 623K
  • 5H
  • [4]6H

The wall-bounce from 623K is very position dependent (specifically simply works in combos from about one-half the distance between round outset position and the corner), but allows May to catechumen 623K > [4]6H into a meterless wallbreak from further away than other philharmonic routes starting with 623K. Other corner 623K combo routes practise not rely on the wall-bounce from 623K itself.

5H and [iv]6H only wall-bounce against airborne opponents, so usually May'southward combos will incorporate 2H as a launcher to force the opponent into the air and enable a wall-bounciness. While some wallbreaks do not require the utilize of c.S, they tend to be more consistent and harder to burst when c.Southward is used to bladder an opponent after a wall-bounce or air striking. In many cases when the opponent bursts after c.S and whiffs, May can just employ c.S once more before the opponent lands and continue the philharmonic where she left off.

Strive's gatling system limits the number of ways that such a wallbounce tin kickoff. These are May'due south well-nigh powerful force per unit area/punish options in the corner

  • 6P (counterhit): Used every bit a relatively safe anti-air or a counterpoke.
  • 623K: Used as the throw part of a strike/throw mixup or after a counterhit horizontal Mr. Dolphin.
  • c.S: Used in large punishes or as the strike office of a strike/throw mixup.
  • 2H: Used as an anti-air or frametrap from c.S with a slight delay.
  • 6H (counterhit): Used as an anti-air or frametrap from c.S with no delay. Since counterhit 6H flooring-bounces and offers a large fourth dimension slow event, May tin can charge and use [4]6H in time to begin a wall-bounce combo.
  • Deep leap-in j.S or j.H: The hitstun on these jump-ins lasts long enough to confirm into c.Due south on a deep spring-in. Very high take a chance, very high reward selection.
  • Anti-air j.H: Gives May a style to stuff jump-outs. May needs to connect at super-spring height or employ counterhit time irksome to recover in time to begin wall-bouncing.
  • Anti-air j.D (counterhit): Gives May a way to stuff very high bound-outs. May needs the counterhit time deadening to recover in time to begin wall-billowy.
  • RRC: The bladder from RRC's shockwave allows May to begin a juggle loop from most attacks. RRC will non allow you to proceed a philharmonic against an opponent that is teching after a soft knockdown (such as the tumble from a ground Mr. Dolphin hit). RRC causes substantial impairment proration on any subsequent philharmonic in addition to the normal proration of the previous attacks, and so try non to use RRC in situations where May can break the wall without information technology.

One time the opponent is stuck to the wall, May's best normal for breaking the wall is 6H. While some wall sticks allow May to charge the move, many practise not. Likewise, while some wall sticks last long enough to use Great Yamada Attack, many practise not. The Wonderful and Dynamic Goshogawara is the safer super to utilise.

May's corner combos do absurdly high damage even without meter, then much of her game plan will revolve around pushing or maneuvering her opponent into the corner and using strike/throw pressure and reads to beginning a loftier-damage wallbreak combo.

The Wonderful and Dynamic Goshogawara

This attack (specifically j.632146H) tin can effectively turn any aerial corner push into a wallbreak. Mutual situations where this can happen include:

  • (optional starter) > [2]8H (ascending air striking) > 66j.1000 > j.D > j.632146H
  • j.Thousand or j.S (air hit) > 66j.Yard > j.D > j.632146H: May pushes her opponent while airdashing and applying hitstun from j.Chiliad or j.S to connect the rest of the philharmonic.

Goshogawara can also exist used afterward any wall-stick (including wall-sticks too loftier for 6H to hitting) to give May advantage later the wallbreak. In all cases, May wants to hit the opponent with the first part of the assail while the opponent is directly in front of May to maximize the run a risk that the 2d striking (splashdown on landing) actually confirms into a wallbreak.

E'er continue runway of how shut May's opponent is to the wall. The Positive Bonus buff is almost ever worth spending the meter to turn a corner pressure level situation into a clean wallbreak, and in many cases using Goshogawara to pause the wall tin can end the round outright.

RISC Scaling in May's Combos

May'due south two high-damage overdrives can suffer profoundly from RISC combo scaling, especially when used late in the combo. If May'south opponent has congenital upwardly a lot of RISC from blocking her force per unit area, May can apply her overdrives in a quantum combo to deal a lot more damage than her RRC extensions would deal nether the aforementioned circumstances.

For case, because of RISC scaling, Goshogawara is capable of dealing a lot of damage when used to confirm a frametrap. While the departure is small when Goshogawara is used on its own, the difference in RISC scaling from even a single blocked c.S tin outcome in a large difference in impairment if Goshogaware is RRC'd or PRC'd into a combo extension. This makes post-pressure Goshogawara > RRC/Prc extensions May'south well-nigh efficient way to convert 100 meter into harm midscreen, ordinarily resulting in finishing off the opponent in a match. Using a single c.S as a frametrap can upshot in an outright touch of death scenario against Chipp, Millia, and Zato when May has 100 meter.



May Guilty Gear Strive Combos,


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